May 21, 2011

Apple's Patent to provide iPhone and iPad displays a private toggle

Of all the portable device displays on the market today, Apple has one of the most impressive with the Retina Display on the iPhone 4. It offers such a high resolution you can’t see the individual pixels while at the same time allowing multiple people to view content with wide viewing angles.

That’s all well and good when you want to share what’s on the screen with others, but what about those times when you are reading a private document, placing an order you don’t want your girlfriend to see, or just want to stop people looking over your shoulder at your beautiful screen?
Patently Apple has encountered a recent patent application by Apple that indicates that future displays of Apple mobile devices such as the iPod touch, iPhone and iPad will provide options for 'privacy mode viewing'.

Here’s how it will work, according to the patent:

How the user will actually enter privacy viewing mode is illustrated in Apple’s patentFIG. 2A’s patent point 210 below. Here we see that touching a corner of a future display will pull up a touch event option allowing the user to “change angle.” This will provide the user with options of entering various modes such as privacy and others. Refer to the above image for details on the privacy mode toggle is rumored to work. 

May 19, 2011

Angry Birds on PC and Mac

The popular game Angry Birds made by Rovio is now available on Windows and Mac platforms. It was the #1 paid app in many countries and continues to be so. The game is also available on various other mobile platforms such as the iOS and the Symbian OS. This game consists of seven birds with super abilities. By using slingshots, you can control the jump and the height of ill-tempered birds to tear down the building where the collection of green piggy thingies are sheltered. Quoting Rovio's site,

"Angry Birds features hours of gameplay, challenging physics-based castle demolition, and lots of replay value. Each of the 120 levels requires logic, skill, and brute force to crush the enemy.
Protect wildlife or play Angry Birds!"